Short timber combination

Making light work of heavy duty: DOLL® short timber transport vehicles

Over the next few years, the importance of short timber in the forestry industry will continue to rise. With saw mills being centralised, competition and cost pressure are on the increase. A cost-effective DOLL® short timber vehicle is the perfect solution!

Whether you're looking for a vehicle for off-road use or for scheduled timber harvesting, or a short timber superstructure, short timber trailer or LOGO semi-trailer, we have the perfect vehicle for your individual logistics needs. And we know that every kilo counts in your day-to-day transport operations. From vehicle design and component selection through to attachment parts and production, we work to maximise your payload at every stage of the process. With DOLL®, a stable and payload-optimised steel construction, practical handling and a wide range of accessories are standard.

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Truck with DOLL central axle trailer drives along a narrow country road between meadows and fields at dawn
Strong on any terrain.

DOLL® timber transport vehicles.