Construction company Kutter puts its first DOLL vehicle into operation

Based in the German town of Memmingen, Kutter is enhancing its fleet of machinery with a 4-axle semi trailer that’s made for true professionals. The vehicle’s payload weighs in at more than 42 t thanks to a dead weight of just under 16 t, while the aluminium insertion planks between the front fixed restraint, the intermediate table and the rear carriage platform deliver a closed loading surface of 11,500 mm. Wheel wells ensure maximum flexibility while the vehicle is carrying high loads – and combining them with the extendable frame enables them to be used for wheel loaders with all kinds of different wheelbases.

Hydraulically sliding ramps with rubber bases and climbing rails keep access to the vehicle safe, and additional rubber bases can be found in the low-bed and between the axles, providing extra safety during loading. The cleverly designed load-securing package comes with numerous stake pockets, lashing points and pivoting lashing rings that allow individual transport goods to be secured properly. Meanwhile, a three-layered coating with zinc spraying in a striking flame red colour provides maximum corrosion protection for a long service life.

The DOLL tronic® operating and control system delivers yet another highlight. This unique CAN bus system provides a convenient way of controlling every vehicle and hydraulic function wirelessly from the driver’s cab, keeping things simple for drivers and operators alike.

This professional piece of equipment has already had its first outing – and Kutter, its new owner, couldn’t be happier with its performance.

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